Terms And Conditions

1. Overview:

The following Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) constitute a legal agreement between you, a current or prospective customer (“you,” “your”) of Polaris Technology (“Polaris”), and Polaris Technology (“we,” “us,” “our”), regarding the use of our restaurant ERP software, Polaris ERP, and related services.

By creating a Polaris account, accessing our website, or subscribing to our services, you hereby agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions, including additional rules, regulations, and policies referenced herein. These terms apply to all users of our website and services.

2. Account Registration:

Polaris offers a comprehensive cloud-based management system designed to assist restaurants, cafes, food trucks, and other F&B businesses (“Customers”) in managing, optimizing, and scaling their operations. To utilize our Services, you must establish a Polaris account. During registration, accurate and complete information must be provided, and it’s your responsibility to maintain this information.

We reserve the right to modify account types, suspend, or terminate accounts with inaccurate, false, or incomplete information. Polaris reserves the right to refuse or terminate registrations in accordance with applicable laws. Our Services are currently available to users within the Middle East region.

3. Account Cancellation & Data Protection:

Polaris retains the right to cancel or terminate any account violating these Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policies. In such cases, personal information may be retained for up to one month from the cancellation date.

Should a customer choose to cancel or terminate their Polaris account voluntarily, any personal information will be promptly removed from our database.

4. Confidentiality:

Account access is exclusive to the account holder. You’re responsible for safeguarding login credentials. Unauthorized access should be reported immediately to info@polariserp.com. You’re accountable for any activity until we’re notified of unauthorized access.

5. Data Privacy & Security:

Your privacy is important to us. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and use personal information, complying with applicable laws. We recommend reviewing the Privacy Policy, as it forms an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.

6. Permitted Activities:

By using our Services, you agree to:

  • Adhere to international and local laws, these Terms and Conditions, and our Privacy Policies.
  • Ensure uploaded content respects intellectual property rights and legal obligations.
  • Abstain from malicious software or harmful content.
  • Provide accurate information about yourself.
  • Avoid disrupting our Services or attempting unauthorized access.
  • Refrain from reproducing our materials without proper accreditation.
  • Gain written permission before altering the visual presentation of our Website.

7. User-Generated Content:

User-generated content may be shared in certain website sections. Polaris is not liable for such content. Comments solely reflect user opinions. We reserve the right to monitor and remove inappropriate comments.

8. Third-Party Content

Third-party content may be accessible through our Services, subject to Intellectual Property laws. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Polaris isn’t responsible for third-party content. Use caution when accessing such content.

9. Communications:

Notices will be delivered in various ways. It’s your responsibility to stay updated. You agree to keep Registration Data current.

10. Closing Your Account

You can close your Polaris account at any time, remaining liable for outstanding purchases, fees, or charges incurred. We don’t issue refunds for previous Service usage.

11. Disclaimer:

To the extent permitted by law, we exclude liability for any losses arising from website use.