إليك كيف يمكنك تبسيط عمليات مطعمك والحصول على المزيد من الوقت لنفسك باستخدام نظام تخطيط موارد المؤسسات للمطاعم.
تناول الطعام في العصر الرقمي: كيف تُحدث التكنولوجيا اللاتلامسية تحولاً في المطاعم
Introduction A survey conducted by Mastercard, which spanned 19 countries, reported that 79% of respondents were using contactless payment, while 82% agreed it’s “the cleaner way to pay.” Touchless transactions are here to stay. In our digital age, contactless technology is revolutionizing the restaurant industry, providing safe and seamless experiences for clients and staff. Through […]
مستقبل المطاعم في عصر الذكاء الاصطناعي. كيف يمكن لبرنامج تخطيط موارد المؤسسات في المطاعم تحسين الكفاءة؟
Intro Restaurants and other F&B businesses have been using artificial intelligence (AI) within their operations for years. The use of AI in the F&B industry can lead to an increase in the average order value by 10-15%, and improve the order accuracy by 15-20%. While many restaurant owners and managers still perceive AI with reluctance, […]
أفضل الممارسات للتعامل مع الموردين لمطعمك
Introduction Sourcing the right suppliers is crucial for running a successful restaurant. Effective supplier management ensures you have high-quality ingredients and equipment while controlling costs. This guide outlines best practices for sourcing suppliers, helping you streamline the process and build strong, reliable partnerships. Follow these steps to make informed decisions and enhance your restaurant’s efficiency. […]
من العمل العشوائي إلى العمل الذكي: عمليات منظمة مع حل تخطيط موارد المؤسسات في المطاعم
تخطيط موارد المؤسسات ERP (تخطيط موارد المؤسسات) في المطاعم هو الاتجاه الجديد لشركات المأكولات والمشروبات الذي يدعم تعزيز الربحية (حتى 20%)، أو تحسين هدر الطعام (حتى 20%). هناك العديد من حلول تخطيط موارد المؤسسات (ERP) التي يمكن تكييفها مع أعمال المطاعم، ولكن الحل الوحيد المصمم خصيصًا لعالم المأكولات والمشروبات الديناميكي هو Polaris ERP.
كيفية زيادة مبيعات توصيل الطعام: خمس استراتيجيات فعالة
Introduction The global food delivery market will reach USD 3.86 billion by 2030, highlighting significant opportunities for restaurants to capitalize on this growing sector. This article explores 5 (five) effective strategies to boost food delivery sales, offering practical insights to help restaurants thrive in an increasingly competitive market. Five proven strategies to boost food delivery […]
خمسة أسباب تجعلك بحاجة إلى حاسبة تكلفة الطعام المدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي في مطعمك
Introduction A food cost calculator is a reliable system that calculates the cost of goods sold in restaurants and other F&B businesses. It is tremendously helpful for restaurant owners, restaurant managers, and other F&B professionals to understand how much they are spending on ingredients, and it can help them control these costs, and reach the […]
تسويق المطاعم: أسرار ونصائح لزيادة الإيرادات في عام 2024
What is restaurant marketing? Restaurant marketing is the specialized practice of promoting and growing businesses within the food and beverage (F&B) industry. It encompasses a range of strategies and tactics designed to attract and retain customers, tailored specifically to the unique characteristics of restaurants. Just like any other marketing discipline, restaurant marketing needs to adhere […]
كيفية تقليل تكاليف الطعام من خلال إدارة المشتريات بكفاءة
Adopting a procurement solution involving efficient purchase management can result in up to 20% savings. Food waste is unavoidable, but what you can do is try to limit and decrease the waste amount as much as possible using different methods. One of these methods is efficient purchase management. How can purchase management reduce your food […]
سبع فوائد لبرامج نقاط البيع المتقدمة في المطاعم
Introduction There are many benefits to using an advanced POS software, especially when it comes to simplifying your restaurant’s operations. POS software can greatly simplify daily operations and in some instances, even help increase revenue. A POS system can be seen as the restaurant’s external brain. It consists of hardware and software that operate on […]